
Safety First - Secondary Schools Reopening

It is sensible to take a cautious approach to reopening secondary schools on Monday 22 February but it cannot be a return to a way of working that existed prior to Christmas. Schools were closed in January because we needed to control the virus. We now need to ensure pupils and staff are safe during this staged return. The reopening of secondary schools is a controlled exercise that will be evaluated before further decision will be made. Secondary teachers need…

Members Update - 5 February 2021

 First Minister Statement – Reopening of Schools 22 February 2021The First Minister made a statement to the Scottish Parliament on 2 February that it is her intention to reopen schools to some pupils on 22 February. This decision is to be confirmed in two weeks (16 February 2021). The statement raised a number of issues that are still to be resolved as the detail had not been discussed with teacher unions. The SSTA has been advised that updated reducing risks and mitigating…
Survey image

Supply Teacher Survey

The SSTA is seeking views from members who are supply teachers after the Scottish Government recently announced an additional £45 million to support remote learning.   This second period of remote learning has raised new issues affecting supply teachers’ working and wellbeing without a retention scheme like there was in the first lockdown.  COSLA is maintaining that supply work remains readily available and that there is a shortage of supply teachers. This is not what we are seeing from members…

SSTA Newsletter - January 2021

Please find below a link to the January 2021 SSTA Newsletter. Information included in the newsletter: A message from the SSTA PresidentElection of President and Vice-President - 2021-2023SNCT – Teachers Pay Claim 2021The Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme - Retirement WorkshopsParents EveningsSSTA Subscription Fees for 2021Professional Tax Review Service SSTA Newsletter - January 2021Download

Retirement Workshops

The Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme Retirement Workshops In these “Interesting Times” many people are now seriously considering retirement and wondering how and when they will be able to afford retire. How will I be able to meet my bills? How do I get the best from my Pension? How do I make my money last? L-Life Ltd, in conjunction with the SSTA, would like to invite you to a free virtual workshop concentrating on the decisions you will/are being faced…

SSTA Advice – 4 January 2021

The First Minister is introducing new laws that will require people to stay at home and work from home where possible from 5 January. There is now confusion is some areas as some schools and local authorities are still instructing teachers to attend school in person this week when pupils are nor present (See advice below). The SSTA advises members that: Teachers should only attend school if they have been assigned child supervision dutiesAll meetings should be conducted remotelyTeachers should…
Reopening Schools

Reopening of Schools - SSTA Advice

The SSTA has been contacted by a large number of members concerned about their safety and the arrangements for the return to schools in January following the Covid-19 statement made by Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister on Saturday 19 December 2020.The following was issued by Government on Monday 21 December - ‘Arrangements for the phased reopening of schools in January 2021 – supplementary guidance’. The guidance provides details regarding the phased start to the spring term 2021.  This guidance supplements the existing Coronavirus:…

Report of Meeting with SQA

Please follow the link to the report of the SSTA meeting with SQA. The report includes: National Qualification Group 2021Quality AssurancePrelimsTeacher AssessmentsRemunerationAdditional In-Service Days

Members Update – Christmas Arrangements for Schools

Members Update – Christmas Arrangements for Schools – 11 December 2020 The SSTA met with John Swinney, Deputy First Minister this week and urged him to: reconsider the arrangements for Secondary Schools prior to Christmas anddelay returning to face-face teaching in January in order for everybody to be kept safe over the Christmas period.This followed the SSTA letter to Local Authorities asking that schools move to ‘remote learning’ and fulfil their duty of care to keep everybody safe. Please see…