General Secretary Report - February 2018

PDF Version - General Secretary Report - February 2018 Teachers Pay - April 2018  1% increase backdated to cover April to end of December 2017, and a further 1% from January until the end of March, across all grades and scale points. The SSTA is preparing a submission for the April 2018 pay claim. To be discussed at the SNCT teacher’s side meeting on 5 February 2018. Scottish Government Budget has made provision for a 3% increase for public service…

SSTA Professional Education Courses

The SSTA has arranged an initial series of  professional education courses for teachers that have been funded by the Scottish Union Learning Fund. The Scottish Government provides funding to the STUC to facilitate union learning and these courses have been provided for the benefit of union members. The SSTA is acutely aware of the difficulties members have in being released by schools but the SSTA is keen that members have the opportunity to participate. These one-off courses are three hours…
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Response from SSTA Senior Managers’ Advisory Panel A CONSULTATION ON THE PROVISIONS OF THE EDUCATION (SCOTLAND) BILL 2018 The full repsonse can be downloded as a PDF from here General comments Although we are experienced senior leaders in Scottish Education we have found it difficult to respond in full to many of the questions in this consultation because there is a lack of detail with some aspects of the proposed changes. We also believe that many of the proposed changes…

Members' Bulletin - SSTA meeting with Deputy First Minister

SSTA meets Deputy First Minister The SSTA met with John Swinney, Deputy First Minister (DFM) on 19 December and discussed a number of the Association’s motions from our Annual Congress in May. The SSTA delegation was led by Kevin Campbell (President), Elaine Henderson (General Treasurer), John Guidi (Vice-President), and Seamus Searson (General Secretary). The following issues were discussed: Workload Benchmarks National 5 Local Authority Inspections on Teacher Workload Teachers’ Pay Survey Career Structure Additional Support Needs (ASN) Regional Improvement Collaboratives…
Salary Scale 1-4-17 poster-portrait

New Salary Scales

The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers has reached a pay agreement for teachers and associated professionals for 2017- 2018. A 1% uplift in pay from 1 April 2017 to 31 December 2017 will apply to all teachers and associated professionals who are governed by the SNCT bargaining arrangements. A further uplift of 1% will be added from 1 January 2018.   Full details are set out in the revised Appendix 2.1 of the SNCT Handbook. Salary Scales Poster – 1 April…

December 2017 Newsletter

The SSTA December 2017 Newsletter now available for members to download. The Newsletter includes articles on Initial Findings of the SSTA Pay Survey 2018 Subscriptions Fees 2018 Pre-retirement Seminars What is your New Year’s Resolution going to be?

Pay Agreement 2017/18

The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers has reached a pay agreement for teachers and associated professionals for 2017- 2018. Agreement has been reached on: Pay A 1% uplift in pay from 1 April 2017 to 31 December 2017 will apply to all teachers and associated professionals who are governed by the SNCT bargaining arrangements. A further uplift of 1% will be added from 1 January 2018.   Full details are set out in the revised Appendix 2.1 of the SNCT Handbook.…

Teachers demand higher pay and a cut in workload

The SSTA is conducting a survey of members on the proposed pay increase for teachers in 2017-2018 (1% from April with a further 1% from January to March 2018). Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said, “The initial finding highlights the lack of recognition of the important work that teachers undertake and the unhappiness of the profession. Although pay is critical in retaining teachers the ‘never ending’ workload is pushing many teachers away”. “The survey showed 90% of teachers believed the…

Pre-Retirement Seminars 2018

Pre-Retirement Seminars 2018 In conjunction with Stuart McCullough from Llife Ltd, the SSTA is holding a number of Pre-Retirement seminars at the beginning of 2018. These seminars are designed to give guidance to members who are considering retiring in the next few years. Members are advised to gain information that will assist in planning the next step in their future. A list of dates and venues of the seminars is shown below. Additional Date Added - Tuesday 27th February at…

GS Report December 2017

Teachers Pay - April 2017 It is anticipated that the offer will be a 1% increase backdated to cover April to end of December 2017, and a further 1% from January until the end of March, across all grades and scale points. We are advising that there will be an SNCT on 18 December and that we hope the offer to be made and accepted at that meeting. National Improvement Framework a) Governance Arrangements - reorganisation of existing bodies Scottish…