
SSTA Member Bulletin – October 2023

Hayward Review The Independent Review Group led by Professor Louise Hayward published the final report ‘Our Future: Report of the Review of Qualifications and Assessment’ in June 2023. Recommendations in this report centre around a reduction of national qualifications and the introduction of a Scottish Diploma of Achievement (SDA) in the Senior Phase and with three mandatory elements: Personal Pathway, Programmes of Learning and Project Learning. The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills has committed to taking views from the teaching profession…
Cornmarket Protect

Cornmarket Protect

We are delighted to let you know that today sees the launch of Cornmarket Protect for our members. Using the combined buying power of the SSTA and Cornmarket we have been able to bring you a range of insurance cover for you and your family which includes: What's more, you can have all of this cover for only £22* per month!  To find out more click on the video below Don't delay, click on the button below and start saving…


The SSTA has been advised that there will be industrial action by education support staff unions next week in many local authorities. It is unlawful for any member of the SSTA to take industrial action where the SSTA has not given specific notice to the employer advising that action will be taken. Where members of another STUC-affiliated trade union are involved in industrial action, SSTA members should: report for work as normal set appropriate work for classes timetabled for the day…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members Briefings – September 2023

The SSTA has arranged a series of in-person members briefings in September. Seamus Searson the SSTA General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers.  This will include the Qualifications and Assessment Review, the Pupil Behaviour Summit and Teacher Health and Wellbeing. This is your opportunity to have your say. Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Adviser from L-life Ltd will also be giving a presentation on the changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. This will…


We are pleased to announce that the SSTA has reached an agreement with Cornmarket Insurance Services to be our general insurance provider. The SSTA has been seeking a provider that would be able to provide a comprehensive beneficial service to members. Cornmarket has worked alongside other teacher unions and prides itself on the level of service it provides for individual teachers. If you are looking for car, home, motorbike or travel insurance, we would encourage you to make contact with Cornmarket…

SSTA Newsletter - July 2023

The July 2023 Newsletter is now available for members to download. The newsletter contains information from the 78th Annual Congress of the SSTA, including the Presidential Address, Report of the General Secretary, motions passed at Congress and the Financial Statement.

Members Update -  June 2023

Education Reform – “the views of teachers will be key to Scotland’s education reform journey”. With the publication of the ‘All Learners in Scotland Matter’ and ‘It’s Our Future’ reports, Jenny Gilruth MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills said, “the views of teachers will be key to Scotland’s education reform journey”. The Cabinet Secretary has asked all schools to provide opportunities to engage teachers at the in-service days in August as most secondary school teachers have only had a limited, if any, involvement in…

Report of the General Secretary

SSTA General Secretary Report to Congress 2023 Friday 12 May 2023 What can happen in a year? Last year I said. We are on the verge of a new era in Scottish education. The things that we have accepted as normal, if there ever could be anything normal in education, is about to change. But we must learn from the past and not make the same mistakes again. As you all know, the Government embarked on a new direction for…

Secondary Teachers Tell SQA To Think Again

The SSTA conducted a survey of members delivering national qualifications following the SQA announcement that National Qualifications course assessments in session 2023-24 will return to full requirements – including reinstating coursework and exam assessment and the National 4 added value unit. The majority of SSTA members are opposed to the change with only 19% wanting a return to the pre-pandemic arrangements. Seamus Searson, General Secretary said “The SSTA survey has shown that SQA must go back and reconsider its decision…

SQA 2024 – 90% of Teachers say their Pupils are not ready

Following the SQA announcement that National Qualifications course assessments in session 2023-24 will return to full requirements – including reinstating coursework and exam assessment and the National 4 added value unit - the SSTA sought views of members. In responding to the survey, secondary teachers who are delivering national qualifications were clearly opposed to a full return. More than 2,000 members have responded in a week with the survey closing on Friday. Seamus Searson, General Secretary said.“The initial results indicate that…