Update on McCormac Recommendations

The SNCT is beginning the process of examining the recommendations made by Professor McCormac. Three groups have been set up to examine the main recommendations and agree next steps. None of these recommendations are accepted and they have not been implemented. They do not form any part of our current conditions of service.

Dealing with the McCormac Proposal and the Attack on Teachers' Pensions

The most recent attack on teachers’ conditions of service is encapsulated in the word flexibility. Professor McCormac believes teachers must be more flexible in their approach to every aspect of their employment. Conversely he recommends that employers reduce the flexibility of their approach by, for example, requiring skilled professionals to remain in the school during the pupil day.

McCormac Review- The Report of the Review of Teacher Employment in Scotland

The full report of the McCormac Committee "Advancing Professionalism in Teaching - The Report of the Review of Teacher Employment in Scotland" is available to download from here A Summary of main proposals by the McCormac Committee is listed below. Annex B should be removed and all teachers work to a set of standards produced by the GTCS Annex E of the Teachers' Agreement should be removed All teachers should remain in school during the pupil day. Additional time should…

McCormac Review - Letter to School Representatives

Dear Colleague The results of the review by Professor McCormac and his Committee are due to be published on Tuesday 13 September 2011. These deliberations will take the form of a set of proposals delivered to the Scottish Government. The Education Committee of the Scottish Parliament will take evidence concerning the Committee’s proposals on 22 September. The Association will make its views known. It must be pointed out that the Government cannot negotiate directly with the teacher unions on conditions…

Issues for McCormac Review

Please note this is not a response to the Review but a series of issues or comments members may wish to use when writing their own submission.   Details on how to make a submission can be found at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/About/reviewofteacheremployment 1.       Decision making by the Committee The Association has huge concerns that many of the potential outcomes of the review are already appearing in LA budgets, particularly those authorities which produce 2 or 3 year budgets. In…