SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee – 14 January 2019

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met on 14 January to consider developments in the 2018 Pay Negotiations. 1) COSLA Offer – 7 January  The Committee firmly rejected the COSLA offer (3% in April 2018 plus a further 2% in August). This offer also included a 3% increase in April 2019 and a 3% increase in April 2020. The Committee appreciated that this offer removed the divisive intent in previous offers but did not meet the aspirations of…

2018 Pay Update - 14 January 2019

2018 PAY UPDATE - 14 January 2019 COSLA Offer - 7 January COSLA (the employers) tabled an offer on 7 January. No further improvements were presented.  For those on the main-grade scale the offer essentially remains the same as the one previously rejected in the consultative ballot (3% plus a further 2% in August), with the addition of 3% for Year 2 (2019/20) and 3% for Year 3(2020/21). SNCT Teachers’ Side -  8 January The SNCT Teachers’ Side (SSTA, EIS, NASUWT,…

SUL - Professional Courses

The SSTA has received additional funding from the Scottish Union Learning Fund for professional courses in the coming weeks. The courses are Tackling Homophobia and an introductory course in Understanding Autism  The Courses are being held in Edinburgh and Glasgow from 5.00 – 8.00pm. There is no cost to members. A list of the courses are note below. Scottish Union Learning Course - Tackling Homophobia - Edinburgh - Thursday, 24 January 2019 - 17:00 - 20:00 Scottish Union Learning -…

2018 Pay Update – 9 January 2019

SNCT Joint Extended Joint Chairs (SSTA, EIS, COSLA and Government) met on Monday 7 January in an attempt to reach a negotiated settlement before the offer is considered by the unions. A further version of the December offer was tabled which resolved some anomalies in the previous offer. No further improvements were presented.  For those on the main-grade scale the offer essentially remains the same as the one previously rejected in the consultative ballot (3% plus a further 2% in…
VP Ballot Paper

Election of Vice President 2019-2021

There are two candidates for the election for Vice President 2019-2021. The candidates are: Stuart Hunter Catherine Nicol The Candidates’ Election Statements can be can be downloaded using the link below VP Election 2019-2021 – Candidates’ Election Statements The election opens on Monday 14th January 2019 and closes at 12noon on Wednesday 30 January 2019. Ballot papers are being sent out to members’ home addresses on Monday 14th January 2019.

2018 Pay Update - 20 December 2018

2018 Pay Update – 20 December 2018   Following on from a meeting of the SNCT Joint Extended Joint Chairs (SSTA, EIS, COSLA and Government) on Monday 17 December a further meeting took place on Thursday 20 December in an attempt to reach a negotiated settlement.   COSLA and Scottish Government confirmed the revised offer that addressed the need for a universal offer for all teachers at all grades except for Headteachers above £80,000 who are limited to £1,600 increase.…

Pre-Retirement Seminars 2019

In conjunction with Stuart McCullough from L-Life Ltd, the SSTA is holding a number of Pre-Retirement seminars at the beginning of 2019. These seminars are designed to give guidance to members who are considering retiring in the next few years. Members are advised to gain information that will assist in planning the next step in their future. A list of dates and venues of the seminars is shown below. You can book a place at a seminar by clicking on…

2018 Pay Update – 17 December 2018

A meeting of the SNCT Joint Extended Joint Chairs (SSTA, EIS, COSLA and Government) took place on Monday 17 December. COSLA and Scottish Government tabled a revised offer, which addressed the need for a universal offer for all teachers to be made. This offer still fell short of the SNCT pay claim and as anticipated Scottish Government was seeking agreement around a multi-year deal. The teachers side made a number of suggestions, seeking to improve the value of the offer…

2018 Pay Update - 3 December 2018

Dear Colleagues Today’s SNCT Joint Extended Joint Chairs (SSTA, EIS, COSLA and Government) was a deeply disappointing meeting. No new offer was made by Scottish Government and COSLA, despite both acknowledging the strength of the rejection of the previous offer by teachers in the Consultative Ballot. The union side expressed its anger and frustration at their stance. We were informed that Government and COSLA are in ongoing discussions around next year’s Scottish Government ‘s budget, including the local government settlement,…

Teachers Are Scotland’s Future - SSTA Submission to Career Pathways for Teachers

The SSTA submitted its vision on the future of the teaching profession in Scotland to the Careers Pathway Teachers Panel. The SSTA is seeking a system that values teachers and their contribution to Scottish society.  Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary “It is time for the Scottish Government and employers to stand-up and recognise the important role and contribution that teachers make to Scottish society. Scottish teachers have been keeping the education system afloat despite drastic financial cuts over the last…