SSTA meets Deputy First Minister

Printable Version - Members Bulletin - SSTA Meets DFM- June 17 SSTA meets Deputy First Minister The SSTA met with John Swinney, Deputy First Minister on Wednesday 21 June and discussed a number of the Association’s motions from our Annual Congress in May. The SSTA delegation was led by Kevin Campbell (President), John Guidi (Vice-President), Euan Duncan (Immediate Past President) and Seamus Searson, General Secretary. The following issues were discussed: Teachers’ Pay and Career Structure One element of the recent…

Education Governance: Next Steps - Empowering Our Teachers, Parents and Communities to Deliver Excellence and Equity for Our Children

The SSTA supports the Government’s determination to bring about improvements in Education by ‘closing the attainment gap’ and giving all young people the opportunity to fulfil their potential. However, the SSTA has argued for a process of review followed by improvements rather than major structural change. The Government has chosen to use its ‘Governance Review’ as the vehicle to look at the agencies and structures involved in education, but not the structures inside the school that support teaching and learning.…

Members' Bulletin - June 2017

A new Members' Bulletin is now available to download.  The bulletin contains information on motions passed at the SSTA 73rd Annual Congress regarding National 5 Qualifications Benchmarks Qualified Teacher in every classroom Teacher Salary Structure The bulletin can be downloaded here.

Report of the General Secretary - Congress 2017 #SSTA17

‘Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!’ The theme of our Congress is ‘Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!’ This is what SSTA members stood together and pushed for in our struggle against teacher and pupil workload in our ballot in the autumn of 2016. An excellent return in the ballot with a 91% vote in favour of taking ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ with a 40.8% turnout. This was not an easy decision for…

Presidential Address, SSTA Congress 2017 #SSTA17

  Presidential Address, SSTA Congress 2017 Crieff Hydro, Friday 19 May 2017 Welcome once again to our annual Congress.  One of the great pleasures for me at Congress is the way in which the Association comes together from all over the country.  It’s our opportunity to collaborate and find ways of moving Scottish education forward, and we are fortunate in having guests from a number of professional associations and other educational organisations here with us today.  As my term of…

SSTA 73rd Annual Congress

The Association's 73rd Annual Congress will take place on Friday 19th & Saturday 20th May 2017 at Crieff Hydro.  You can find the Congress Agenda with includes the motions to be debated at Updates from Congress will be posted on the SSTA website and via social media using hashtag #SSTA17.  Video of the Presidential Address, Report of the General Secretary, Key Note Speech and debates will be posted on the SSTA website when they become available.

SSTA Guidance ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ - Phase 4

SSTA Guidance - Action Short of Strike Action Phase 4 - March 2017 SSTA members are continuing to take industrial action to reduce teacher workload and two new initiatives are being introduced into Secondary Schools alongside the SQA changes at National 5. These initiatives have not been included in School Improvement Plans or Working Time Agreements for 2016–2017 sessions. SSTA is reminding members that new initiatives must have time assigned for the tasks to be undertaken. SQA changes to National…

SSTA Guidance - Action Short of Strike Action - Phase 3

SSTA Guidance - Action Short of Strike Action Phase 3 - March 2017 SQA Payments for Marking Coursework in Technical and Computing Studies Courses SSTA members are continuing to take industrial action to reduce teacher workload and SSTA wishes to support members by clarify the situation regarding the proposal ‘SQA Payments for Marking Coursework in Technical and Computing Studies Courses’. The Marking of coursework in Technical and Computing Studies Courses is an issue SSTA has raised on a number of…

General Secretary Report - March 2017

‘Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!’ Members are being advised to work within the contracted 35 hour working week and focus on teaching and learning. Additional guidance is to be issued on School Improvement Plans, Working Time Agreements, Pastoral Support and Posts of Responsibility. Current guidance and presentations are available at Teachers Pay Claim 2017 The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) has submitted a pay claim for 2017 and discussions are to continue with the…