Annual STUC Youth Conference

Members and Associate members who are interested in attending this event and are under the age of 26 should contact Richard Goring, Professional Officer before Friday 24 May 2013. The conference will be held on Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June at the Mercure Hotel, Ingram Street, Glasgow. Attendance could be for either or both of the above dates. Although motions to be discussed cover a wide range of Trade Union issues, a number relate specifically to educational concerns.

Report of the General Secretary - Congress 2013

I suppose any period of 12 months in the annals of any trades union would be described as being “difficult”. However, I would contend that the last 12 months have been particularly challenging as we have tried to come to terms with some fairly serious internal matters. It is as a consequence that I address you this afternoon slightly surreal as I imagined my days of Presidential addresses or General Secretary reports were well and truly over.

Margaret Smith's Presidential Address - Congress 2013

It seems almost inconceivable that two years have passed since Peter Wright called me ‘Muggins’ and pinned the President’s badge on me – -and what a two years they have been Following my last Congress address I was described in the editorial of a national newspaper as, ‘selfish and irresponsible,’ ‘living on the moon,’ and an example of ‘why members were deserting trade unions.’ I must have got something right.

Working Time Agreements 2013/14

Members are reminded that the season of Working Time Agreements is here. Given the increasing workload implications of National 4 and 5, it would be advisable to review the allocation of time in the school agreement devoted to curriculum development and Formal Assessment.

Increase in Employee Pension Contributions

As from April 1st 2013 the following increases to employee pension contributions will apply. Full Time Equivalentpensionable pay Contribution rate 2012/13 Contribution rate 2013/14 Contribution rateincrease against 2012/13 Up to £14,999 6.4% 6.4% 0% £15,000 to £25,999 7.0% 7.0% 0% £26,000 to £31,999 7.3% 7.9% 0.6% £32,000 to £39,999 7.6% 8.8% 1.2% £40,000 to £44,999 8.0% 9.2% 1.2% £45,000 to £74,999 8.0% 10.1% 2.1% £75,000 to £99,999 8.4% 10.6% 2.2% £100,000 and above 8.4-8.8% 11.2% 2.4-2.8% Annual Pay Negotiations There…

National Qualification's Survey

The Association is conducting a survey of members to find out how prepared they are for the delivery of the new courses next session. The survey should take no longer than a couple of minutes to complete.

SSTA Expresses Disgust

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today expressed disgust at in the middle of continuing attempts to produce a Scottish solution to the Public Sector Pension fiasco the Scottish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee has failed to protect Scottish teachers by not opposing further increases in pension contributions.

Scotland's Teaching Unions United in Condemnation of Pensions Hike

Scotland's two largest teaching unions, the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) and the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association (SSTA) have today been united in their condemnation of an increase in the pensions contributions paid by Scotland's teachers. The Scottish Government has announced, today, an increase to the contribution rate for the Scottish teachers' pension scheme. The increase, which follows on from a similar increase in 2011, will impose a further 1.2% in pension deductions from teachers' pay, taking the contribution rate…

Working Time Agreements

Following a number of enquiries regarding Working Time Agreement the Association has produced an advice sheet for School Reps which is available to download. Should you have any questions regarding your school Working Time Agreement please contact headquarters by emailing or calling 0131 313 7300.