Consultative Ballot slogan A - Sept22

Consultative Ballot on 5% Pay Offer for 2022-2023

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is conducting a Consultative Ballot of members on the 5% pay offer and members preparedness for strike action. The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is asking members to reject the 5% pay offer and support the call for strike action to support the SSTA in applying pressure in future negotiations with the employers (COSLA) and Scottish Government. The Consultative Ballot will commence on Friday 16 September and will close at noon on Wednesday…

The SSTA Rejects the 5% Pay Offer and Moves Closer Towards Strike Action

 The SSTA conducted a members opinion survey through school representatives, on the 5% pay offer from the employers (COSLA). The SSTA represents more than 6,500 members in Scottish secondary schools. 80% of members rejected the pay offer with 70% of members reluctantly prepared to take strike action in pursuit of a realistic pay deal. Seamus Searson the SSTA General Secretary said “SSTA members have given everything in the last number of years to keep education going and to ensure that all young people…

Message to Members - 19 August 2022

An Improved Pay Offer BUT Not Enough The SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (COSLA, Scottish Government, SSTA and EIS) met on 18 August with COSLA making an improved pay offer of 3.5%. The previous offer was undifferentiated 2% increase on all SNCT pay points effective from 1 April 2022. COSLA claimed that this offer was all that is affordable without further funding from Scottish Government.  The Teachers’ Side (SSTA and EIS) made clear that this offer was totally unacceptable and must be…

Home Economics is disappearing from Secondary Schools

The SSTA conducted a school representative survey to gauge the situation of home economics and home economic teachers in secondary schools across Scotland. The survey was completed by 190 school representatives (53% of secondary schools). Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “Home economics as a subject is at serious risk of disappearing from secondary school timetables due not only to the shortage of home economics teachers but by the lack of support by local authorities and headteachers”. “How this can…

Message to Members 1 April 2022

Teachers’ Pay Offer for 2021-2022 - Accepted The SSTA attended a meeting of the SNCT Teachers’ Side (31 March) where constituent parties confirmed their view on the revised 2022 pay offer. All parties stated their union’s position and  SSTA representatives followed the view taken by members (SSTA members had voted 71.6% rejected) against accepting the pay offer. However, the SNCT Teachers’ Side voted to accept and the SSTA is bound by the collective decision reluctantly to accept. The SNCT Teachers’ Side confirmed…

SSTA Rejects the Derisory Teachers’ Pay Offer for 2021-2022

The SSTA conducted a consultative ballot on the revised Teachers’ Pay Offer for 2021-2022 and it was largely rejected by 71.6% of members with a turnout of 50.3%. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said“The offer was not only late but far below what could be expected for the sterling work teachers had undertaken throughout the pandemic to ensure children’s education was maintained. The employers said they recognised the good work of teachers, but their actions speak volumes”.“SSTA members rejected the offer…
Online Voting

Consultative Ballot – Revised 2021 Pay Offer

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is conducting a Consultative Ballot of members on the revised pay offer. The Consultative Ballot will commence on Wednesday 16 March and will close at noon on Tuesday 29 March 2022. Emails are being sent out to members 'preferred' email addresses. Please note: only members employed by a local authority will be invited to participate in the consultative ballot. The detailed revised 2021 Formal Pay Offer made on 25 February 2022 was A 1.22% increase…

SSTA Members Update – Pay, SQA and Covid

Teachers’ Pay 2021-2022. The story so far……. In the autumn of 2020 the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee submitted a claim to the SNCT Teachers’ Side for a restorative pay award that promoted the retention and recruitment of teachers. This was expected to be paid to teachers on 1 April 2021. In December 2020 the SNCT Teachers’ Side agreed the following pay claim that would be paid to all teachers without differentiation: “A range of 3%-5% is the…

SNCT Teachers' Panel Pay Claim 2022

The SNCT Teachers’ Panel met on Friday 4 February to consider the current pay offer (2021-2022) and a potential pay claim for (2022-2023). 2021-2022 Pay ClaimThe existing Cosla offer 1% from April 2021,a further 1% from January 2022 anda one-off payment of £100 This offer was rejected by the SSTA in December and was formally rejected by all members of the SNCT Teachers’ Panel. It is expected that negotiations are to continue later this week. 2022-2023 Pay ClaimThe Government’s public sector pay…

Teacher Pay Negotiations 2021 – Insulting Offer Rejected

The SNCT Teachers’ Side pay claim for 2021 was lodged in December 2020 and despite a series of meetings COSLA had only been prepared to make a pay offer of 1.22% to all SNCT grades from April 2021. That was rejected by the SNCT Teachers’ Side as a derisory offer.COSLA subsequently submitted a further offer with a minimal adjustment with a 1.22% increase from January 2021. This offer was rejected by the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee earlier…