SSTA Relieved at Pay Settlement

The SSTA today expressed relief at the news that the way is now open for the settlement of this year’s and next year’s salary deal. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, said “This is welcome news that should allow the salary increase that was inevitable ending up in the pay packets of our members. We have always been of the view that the changes to the work practices proposed were minor and that view remains unaltered to this moment. It is…

Salary Offer

The Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee has met and unanimously agreed to support the revised offer on the 1% + 1% Salary offer.  The Committee took the view that there was nothing significantly different in the new offer that would cause a change of position.  Moreover, the Committee rejected the need for any ballot on the same basis. The differences with the new offer are noted below.  A clearer statement to the effect that teachers shall not be required…

Pay Negotiations Press Release

The SSTA this morning stated that its position with regard to the salary package remains unchanged.  It remains accepted.  Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary stated “The SSTA did not conduct a ballot on the McCormac part of the salary offer. Congress of 2013 had accepted the McCormac recommendations that had emerged from the negotiating working groups of the SNCT.  Congress did not regard these changes as representing deterioration in conditions of service.  The view expressed was that they were measured…

SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher Courses

The final version of the SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher courses is now available from here . The document clarifies future pay arrangements for teachers currently on the Chartered Teacher pay scale. Teachers on the Chartered Teacher scale will be assimilated at their current point on the scale in exchange for an enhanced role within the school.

SNCT - Chartered Teacher

The attached paper was agreed in principle at an SNCT meeting held yesterday, Thursday 31 May 2012. This agreement ensures that teachers on the Charter Teacher scale will continue to receive their current salary in recognition of their enhanced role within schools.

SNCT Update

Imposed changes to conditions of service and the payment of supply staff take effect from 1 September 2011. The changes are likely to cause confusion and uncertainty for supply staff and simply confuse payroll departments. The SNCT document relating to these conditions of service is available from and the most important changes are listed below in bullet points: • There are now 3 categories of teacher employment. These are permanent, short term contract and supply. • The changes have…

Faculty Arrangements in Edinburgh City

TO PROMOTED POSTHOLDERS IN EDINBURGH CITY Dear Colleague FACULTY ARRANGEMENTS IN EDINBURGH CITY The current move in Edinburgh City towards faculty arrangements appears to have been left very substantially in the hands of headteachers rather than involve senior officials of the authority who might have experience in employment matters. As a result, a significant amount of misinformation may be circulating. It is not clear whether headteachers themselves have been inaccurately advised. The Association offers the following advice to promoted postholders.…

Update for members

Colleagues, There has been a flurry of press speculation in recent weeks concerning proposed changes to pensions, information contained in submissions to the McCormac review and responses to the imposed changes to conditions of service.     This Association only circulates leaflets and advice notes when we know the outcome of any consultation and the final decisions have been made.   In the meantime I will attempt to keep members updated via emails and the website. Pensions The Government has…

COSLA Document

Colleagues, You may be aware of a report circulating about a document produced by Cosla.   This document is their submission to the McCormac review into Teachers’ pay and conditions and clearly indicates their preferences for the future of our profession.   The document makes very interesting reading and I have highlighted only a few of the points it makes: the primary role of a teacher should not be to teach children!!!! extension of the teacher year but not the…

Imposed changes to our Conditions of Service

Dear Colleagues By now you will be aware of the disgraceful events at the SNCT Teachers’ Side meeting on 28 April, when some teacher representatives surrendered after approximately 12,000 of the 60,000 eligible teachers voted to accept the Cosla proposals. This Association refused to accept the proposal and gave formal notice that we intend where justified to take legal action on behalf of members.   Of particular concern are the conservation, accrued leave and supply rate issues.   The full…