General Secretary Report - October 2018

Teachers Pay - April 2018  SNCT 2018 Pay Claim submitted on the 8 February 10% restorative claim for all grades SNCT Pay Claim EIS and SSTA are the only negotiators for the Teachers’ Side COSLA (employers) offer – 6 September (SNCT REJECTED offer on 18 September) This offer was for 3% across all SNCT grades except those over £80,000 (previous pay offer of 2% for those above £36,500 and 3% for those below). COSLA also supported a Scottish Government proposal…

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 5 October 2018

Pay Talks Terminated The SNCT Teachers’ Side rejected the pay offer made by the employers (COSLA) on the 18 September. At the meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA and Scottish Government) the Government officials asked if there was the possibility of further negotiations. A range of issues were raised by the union side and another meeting was arranged for 4 October 2018. At the meeting on 4 October Government Officials stated that the offer was a…

Teacher Pay Talks Stall - 4 October 2018

Negotiations around the Teachers’ Pay Claim have shuddered to a halt after the Scottish Government and COSLA today refused to consider improvements to their previous offer. The Teachers’ Panel of the SNCT (Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers) had unanimously rejected the offer as being “derisory” in terms of the 10% claim and “divisive” in that it offered unpromoted teachers a slightly better deal than promoted members of the profession. The constituent bodies of the teachers’ side will now consider the…

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 18 September 2018

Pay Offer Rejected The Teachers’ Side of the SNCT met on the 18 September and all organisations present rejected the offer which had been made previously by the employers (COSLA). The Teachers’ Side regarded the offer  as being “derisory” in terms of the 3% offer across the board and “divisive” in relation to proposing changes to the main-grade scale whilst leaving promoted scales untouched. This meeting was followed by a meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA…

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 6 September 2018

The latest meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA and Scottish Government) took place on 6 September and a revised pay offer was received from COSLA. This offer is for 3% across all SNCT posts (as opposed to the previous pay offer of 2% for those above £36,500 and 3% for those below).  This would apply to all teachers except for those earning £80,000 or above, whose increase would be limited to £1600.  This offer would be…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members' Briefing 2018

Seamus Searson the General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers (pay negotiations, workload and education developments etc.) and how we protect and improve conditions for members. This is your opportunity to have your say. A list of upcoming dates and venues are shown below. Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Advisor from Llife Ltd will also be giving a presentation on “How to Control your Pension and New Pension Calculator?”. Agenda General…

Members Bulletin - SSTA Meeting with Deputy First Minister

  SSTA meeting with Deputy First Minister The SSTA met John Swinney, Deputy First Minister (DFM) on 12 June and discussed a number of the Association’s motions from our Annual Congress in May. The SSTA delegation was led by John Guidi (Vice-President), Catherine Nicol (Convenor Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee)and Seamus Searson (General Secretary). The Vice-President thanked the Minister for attending the SSTA Congress and his interesting address. The following issues were discussed: Pay and Career Structure National Qualifications…

Congress 2018 Newsletter

The 2018 Congress Newsletter is now available for members to download from the Website Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 21 June 2018 The SNCT Annual General Meeting (Teacher Unions, COSLA and Scottish Government) took place on 31 May. A report of the pay negotiations was made and we were informed that COSLA were unable to proceed with negotiations until direction was given by the leadership of COSLA at its meeting at the end of June. We are awaiting a date to…

Video from SSTA Annual Congress 2018

The SSTA's 74th Annual Congress took place on Friday 18th & Saturday 19th May 2018 at Crieff Hydro. Video of the Presidential Address, Report of the General Secretary and John Swinney's speech and Question and Answer session from the  74th Annual Congress is now available to view at 

Members Bulletin & Privacy Policy Update

SSTA Congress 2018 The 74th SSTA Annual Congress took place on the 18-19 May in Crieff. The SSTA President Kevin Campbell's Address and the General Secretary's Report can be viewed by clicking on the links. The Deputy First Minister John Swinney addressed Congress and took questions from members. Seamus Searson General Secretary gave a reply to the Ministers and this can be seen at Further information from Congress will appear on the SSTA website in the coming days Teachers’ Pay…