Update on Pension Negotiations

Colleagues, You will be aware that the Association is involved in negotiations with the Scottish Government and employers in an attempt to secure the best possible future pension arrangement for all teachers. Unfortunately negotiations continue to be constrained by events elsewhere in the UK.

Working to Contract – Advice from the SSTA

This advice sets out the context for working for contract and should answer all but the most complicated questions. If you have a query not answered by this information please do not hesitate to contact the Association at info@ssta.org.uk 

Ballot on Industrial Action Short of Strike Action

At a meeting held on 3 March Executive and Council decided to ballot members on industrial action short of strike action, including a work to contract, in response to the attack on teachers’ pensions. It was clear from the consultation held during February that the majority of members wished to be balloted on a work to contract.


Dear Colleagues, At the meeting held on 3 March Council agreed to participate in a day of strike action with other public sector unions on 28 March. It was also agreed that we would not take unilateral strike action but would move immediately to a ballot on 'action short of strike action' or work to contract.

Urgent message regarding consultation

We note the comments in TESS today concerning the consultation currently under way. These comments are incorrect. This Association is consulting all members currently in employment about the proposed changes to pension arrangements. Once the response is known members will be contacted about further action.

Pension Dispute - Members' Update

Meeting of dissenting unions: 25 January and 1 February 2012 A formal offer has been made to public sector unions in England and Wales. Strictly it does not apply to Scotland but the UK Government will wish to see arrangements in Scotland which meet the Treasury’s financial targets. It is likely that the Scottish Government will use the England and Wales proposals as a working model.

Pensions Contributions Update January 2012

Imposed Contribution Increases 2012 (2013 and 2014*) *The Scottish Government is still to consult on the Proposed increases for these years. The contribution increases for April 2012 have been imposed.

Pensions update January 2012

Negotiations on the Future of Public Sector Pensions The Government Offer – Changes in Public Sector Pensions from 2015 TO DATE THERE IS NO AGREEMENT ON THESE PROPOSALS