Deadline to Nominate Education Stars Looms

Last chance to submit nominations for Scottish Education Awards People in Scotland are being urged to enter their local schools, nurseries or individuals into the Scottish Education Awards 2012 so that their exceptional achievements can be recognised. The deadline for submissions is Friday 2 March 2012.

Update on McCormac Recommendations

The SNCT is beginning the process of examining the recommendations made by Professor McCormac. Three groups have been set up to examine the main recommendations and agree next steps. None of these recommendations are accepted and they have not been implemented. They do not form any part of our current conditions of service.

Pensions Contributions Update January 2012

Imposed Contribution Increases 2012 (2013 and 2014*) *The Scottish Government is still to consult on the Proposed increases for these years. The contribution increases for April 2012 have been imposed.

Pensions update January 2012

Negotiations on the Future of Public Sector Pensions The Government Offer – Changes in Public Sector Pensions from 2015 TO DATE THERE IS NO AGREEMENT ON THESE PROPOSALS

SQA - Replacing the Appeals

Please see below the text of a letter from Karen McCallum, Director of Operation of the SQA regarding the introduction of new services to replace the existing Appeals Service for National Qualifications.

December 2011 Bulletin - No. 424-11

The post-December 2011 Council edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Public Sector Pensions

You may be aware of press comments about a 'deal agreed' on public sector pensions. The Government has produced a paper which it sees as a “formal offer”. The vast majority of UK unions are currently considering the Government proposals. The UK Working Party which includes the Scottish unions will meet again in the New Year and any changes or progress will be reported immediately to members.

Senior Managers Seminar, 16 March 2012

The Senior Managers Advisory Panel is holding a Senior Mangers Seminar in March 2012. The Seminar is an all day event, which will take place on Friday 16 March at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld, and is free to SSTA members. The theme of the seminar will be the Management of Change to Conditions of Service. Should members wish to attend the seminar they can register for a place by completing a form online here no later than Friday 2 March…

SQA - Scottish Baccalaureates

The Scottish Baccalaureates in Science and Languages have been available for delivery since August 2009 and, based on their success, SQA, directed by the Scottish Government, intends to offer all pupils studying at Advanced Higher level the opportunity to choose a Baccalaureate in a suitable subject area. It is, therefore, the intention to expand Baccalaureate provision by broadening the existing two awards and by developing two new awards in Social Sciences and Expressive Arts, all to be available for delivery…