National Qualifications

The Assessment and National Qualification working group report has been circulated to members of the CfE Management Board for approval. However, the SSTA sought clarification from SQA of the measures proposed within the report to reduce teacher workload. A report of the clarifications can be downloading using the link below. Please note - The SSTA will be moving to an Indicative Ballot of members on ‘teacher workload’ in the coming days. The ballot will carried out on-line and it is…

Indicative Ballot of Members

The SSTA National Council has sanctioned an Indicative Ballot of members on the Government’s Assessment and National Qualification working group report due at the end of March. The Indicative Ballot of members will be sent out by e-mail with a unique voting code.  To ensure that all members who are eligible to a vote receive an email, we are asking that members who have not been receiving emails from the Association contact the SSTA office by emailing or by…

CfE Working Group Tackling Bureaucracy Follow-up Report

The CfE Working Group Tackling Bureaucracy Follow-up Report’ published in March. This report has been produced by the Scottish Government, the employers and Teacher Unions and is intended to tackle the problems teachers face in schools. The report has four sections Assessment Forward Planning Monitoring and Reporting Self-Evaluation and Improvement Planning FOUR posters have been produced to highlight the sections within the report for school notice boards. The SSTA believes that this report has the potential to reduce teacher workload…

CfE Survey September 2014

The SSTA conducted a survey of all teaching members for whom a valid e-mail account was available.  The survey asked members' opinions on the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence in secondary schools. The information we have collected will be helpful in our forthcoming discussions with the SQA and forthcoming appearance before the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Culture Committee. A summary of the responses received can be viewed by using the link below. CfE Survey September 2014 - summary Members can…

Final Report on outcomes from CfE survey

The SSTA conducted a survey of all teaching members for whom a valid e-mail account was available. The survey asked about members' confidence in delivering the curriculum and assessment for National 4 and 5 courses and gauged their confidence for the same issues in their readiness to deliver the new Highers next session. Members were also asked if the Working Time Agreement for session 2013-2014 adequately met their needs for implementation and associated duties such as assessment and verification.  The…

Curriculum for Excellence Crisis in Confidence

The SSTA has today released interim figures following its survey on N4/N5 and the New Higher.  The response to the survey has been overwhelming and it is for this reason that we have decided to issue an interim statement. Acting General Secretary Alan McKenzie said “We continue to be alarmed by the clear lack of confidence being expressed by our members particularly in terms of the assessment materials for N4 and 5.     80% of the respondents indicated that they were…

Delay to new Higher exams

Delay to new Higher exams The SSTA welcomes the announcement of a delay to the roll out of the New Higher. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, stated “There is no doubt that our position on the requirement for delay is vindicated and it would be reassuring to know that when our members report difficulties in the implementation of curricular reform that they are taken seriously and not dismissed and ignored. There is now a window of opportunity to ensure that…

CfE Working Group on Tackling Bureaucracy - Final Report

The Working Group set up to tackle concerns over unnecessary bureaucracy around the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence has released its Final Report and recommended a series of actions.  The SSTA welcomes the Report as a genuine attempt to address one of the problems of CfE. It contains a practical and common sense set of recommendations that will be welcomed by hard pressed teachers. The Scottish Governments statement on the report can be found on their website.  The Report can…

CfE Working Group Report on Tackling Bureaucracy

The SSTA welcomes the Report on Tackling Bureaucracy as a genuine attempt to address one of the problems of CfE. It contains a practical and common sense set of recommendations that will be welcomed by hard pressed teachers. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, said "We need more pragmatism of this kind conferring realistic advice to teachers who want nothing other than the best curriculum to exist in Scotland. Teachers are weary of being the constant victims of ill planned reform.…