
Pre-Retirement Seminars 2020

In conjunction with Stuart McCullough from L-Life Ltd, the SSTA is holding a number of Pre-Retirement seminars at the beginning of 2020. These seminars are designed to give guidance to members who are considering retiring in the next few years. Members are advised to gain information that will assist in planning the next step in their future. A list of dates and venues of the seminars is shown below. DateTimingCityLocationMonday 03 February17:30-20:00GlasgowMercure City HotelBook PlaceWednesday 05 February17:00-19:30EdinburghSSTA Head OfficeBook PlaceThursday…

Members Bulletin - 20 September 2019

National Qualifications - Multi-Course Teaching  The SSTA conducted a members survey at the end of the last session on the extent of ‘Multi-Course’ teaching in S4 classes. The SSTA received 1,247 responses that showed a wide disparity of practice across Scotland. The survey results will be published next week and will complement the Education and Skills Committee Report seeking a review of the Senior Phase.The SSTA has continuously campaigned on the unfairness, to both pupils and teachers, of multi-course teaching and your…

Pre-Retirement Seminars 2019

In conjunction with Stuart McCullough from L-Life Ltd, the SSTA is holding a number of Pre-Retirement seminars at the beginning of 2019. These seminars are designed to give guidance to members who are considering retiring in the next few years. Members are advised to gain information that will assist in planning the next step in their future. A list of dates and venues of the seminars is shown below. You can book a place at a seminar by clicking on…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members' Briefing 2018

Seamus Searson the General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers (pay negotiations, workload and education developments etc.) and how we protect and improve conditions for members. This is your opportunity to have your say. A list of upcoming dates and venues are shown below. Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Advisor from Llife Ltd will also be giving a presentation on “How to Control your Pension and New Pension Calculator?”. Agenda General…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members' Briefing 2017

Seamus Searson the General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers (pay, workload, SQA etc.) and how we protect and improve conditions for members. This is your opportunity to have your say. A list of upcoming dates and venues are shown below. Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Advisor from Llife Ltd will also be giving a presentation on "How to Control your Pension and Retirement Date?". Agenda General Secretary - Members’ Update,…

SPPA Circular 2017/03 - Summer Retirals

Please see the link to the SPPA  circular 2017/03 issued Wednesday 15 March 2017. The purpose of this circular is to: highlight the timescales for submission of summer retiral applications clarify process for late applications confirm the information required highlight facility for accepting electronic submission of applications direct requests for benefit estimates to My Pension online service    

Pre-Retirement Seminars 2017

In conjunction with Stuart McCullough from Llife Ltd, the SSTA is holding a number of Pre-Retirement seminars at the beginning of 2017. These seminars are designed to give guidance to members who are considering retiring in the next few years. Members are advised to gain information that will assist in planning the next step in their future. A list of dates and venues of the seminars is shown below. Members can book a place at a seminar here. [table id=7…

Pre Retirement Seminars 2016

In conjunction with Stuart McCullough from Llife ltd, the SSTA is holding a number of Pre-Retirement seminars at the beginning of 2016. These seminars are designed to give guidance to members who are considering retiring in the next few years. Members are advised to gain information that will assist in planning the next step in their future. A list of dates and venues of the seminars is listed below. Members interested in attending a seminar should contact head office to…

Teachers’ Pension Scheme (Scotland) 2015 - Pension Presentation

A recording of the Pension Presentation given by an Independent Financial Advisor at the recent meetings with members is now available for members to view. You must be logged into the website to view the video. To login to the website you can use your eight digit membership number or your email address as the Username. If you do not know your password, you can reset it by clicking on the 'Lost Password' link and entering your email address. An…

Early Retirement Buy Out Reduction (ERBBO)

Please see the statement received from the SPPA On 16 March SPPA wrote out to all scheme members who had either no protection or tapered protection setting out the changes being introduced from 1 April 2015. Enclosed with each letter was a leaflet which included details of the Early Retirement Buy Out Reduction and that there is a time limit of 6 months to request this option. The 20 day turnaround time is a target set by SPPA and is…