Close up of student using cell phone during class at school.


In the 2023 SSTA survey, 71% of members highlighted that the misuse of mobile phones was having an impact on poor pupil behaviour and learning. The SSTA Education Committee wanted to get further information on the use of mobile phones in school and commissioned a survey to find out members views. The survey took place in February 2024 with 1,451 members responding. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said. “92% of members said their lessons were being interrupted by asking pupils…
Female Student Raising Hand To Ask Question In Classroom

Children’s Education at Risk by Cutting Teacher Numbers

Children’s Education at Risk by Cutting Teacher Numbers As Scottish Councils are setting education budgets for 2024-2025 the SSTA is receiving reports of education cuts with teachers and educational support staff numbers being reduced. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said: “It's that time of the year again. Teachers are tired of being used as a ‘political football’ in the funding battle with the Scottish Government. The Councils have used this tactic in previous years to force money from the Government.…

Education Cuts by Stealth are Hurting Children and Teachers

Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said.“Many local authorities have embarked upon a campaign of education cuts by removing education support staff in schools or not replacing them when they leave. This leaves an additional burden upon the teachers in schools who are expected to cover the work of the staff who are no longer there. Education support staff were appointed for essential educational purposes to remove this vital support by stealth is to fail the children and classroom teachers. Unfortunately,…

SSTA Commends Pupils and Teachers

The SSTA commends all pupils and teachers for all their hard work in overcoming all the difficulties created by the pandemic to record results in this year’s national qualifications. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary, said: “Pupils should be pleased with their hard work, which has shown a determination to succeed. As they receive their results, we congratulate learners stepping forward in their educational journey”. “Secondary teachers have worked above and beyond their obligations to ensure that no pupil has been…

Secondary Teachers Tell SQA To Think Again

The SSTA conducted a survey of members delivering national qualifications following the SQA announcement that National Qualifications course assessments in session 2023-24 will return to full requirements – including reinstating coursework and exam assessment and the National 4 added value unit. The majority of SSTA members are opposed to the change with only 19% wanting a return to the pre-pandemic arrangements. Seamus Searson, General Secretary said “The SSTA survey has shown that SQA must go back and reconsider its decision…

Teachers Face “Aggression Epidemic”

The SSTA Additional Support Needs and Education Committees organised a members’ consultative survey to assess the increasing evidence of disruptive pupil behaviour in secondary schools. 2478 members responding to the survey. The survey revealed both the extent of verbal and physical aggression being faced by teachers in Scottish secondary schools as well as systemic failures to address these issues. While facing verbal aggression at work would be uncommon in most occupations, 75% of secondary teachers reported having experienced verbal aggression in the…
strike action word or concept represented by wooden letter tiles

SSTA to Take Two Further Days of Strike Action

The SSTA National Executive has, following another failed SNCT negotiating meeting, authorised two days of strike action on Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 1 March. The SSTA will be joining members of sister unions in national strike action in a coordinated campaign of industrial action. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said. “The SSTA has taken a measured approach to industrial action due to the impact it would have on the pupils preparing for exams. The deliberate inaction of the Scottish…


Press Release – For Immediate Release 6 December 2022 SSTA STRIKE ACTION TO GO AHEAD SSTA members are to go ahead with strikes in secondary schools across Scotland on Wednesday 7 December and Thursday 8 December. Most secondary schools will be closed with some partially open to senior pupils although these schools may have difficulties as some of these pupils may be left unsupervised whilst in the school building. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said “The employers (COSLA) and the…

Home Economics is disappearing from Secondary Schools

The SSTA conducted a school representative survey to gauge the situation of home economics and home economic teachers in secondary schools across Scotland. The survey was completed by 190 school representatives (53% of secondary schools). Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “Home economics as a subject is at serious risk of disappearing from secondary school timetables due not only to the shortage of home economics teachers but by the lack of support by local authorities and headteachers”. “How this can…
Survey image

SSTA Survey - Alternative Certification Model (ACM) – May 2021

The SSTA conducted a survey in response to the high numbers of members raising concerns regarding the Alternative Certification Model (ACM) and its impact on teachers and their pupils.Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said“The SSTA received 1711 responses which gave a clear indication of the difficulties teachers and pupils are facing in trying to deliver the ACM.“The SQA is in its ‘own world’, oblivious to the real situation in schools. It has shown little understanding of the situation in schools…