New Higher Qualifications - Crisis in Confidence

The SSTA has today released results of its survey on the New Higher Qualifications. The response to the survey has been overwhelming and it highlights a teacher crisis in confidence. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “the survey confirms the view of many secondary school teachers that more time is needed to bring about these important changes. We continue to be alarmed by the clear lack of confidence being expressed by our members particularly in terms of the materials required…

SSTA challenges Angela Constance to defer CfE Advanced Higher in 2015/16

Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “we continue to be alarmed by the lack of respect for teachers’ professional judgement shown by the Cabinet Secretary Angela Constance in refusing to sanction a dual running of the Advanced Highers in 2015/2016. The overriding concern of SSTA members is this will adversely impact on our young people”. Angela Constance said, on 3 February, that she had not yet heard a “compelling case” for new Advanced Highers to be run in tandem with…


Leaders of trade unions representing teachers and lecturers in Scotland, together with those representing teachers and lecturers throughout the UK and Ireland, have issued a joint letter to mark World Teachers’ Day, which is taking place this Sunday, 5 October. The letter calls for a stronger political commitment to high-quality, fully funded education as an entitlement for all children and young people. This is the first time the leaders of all teachers and lecturers’ unions in the UK and Ireland…

SSTA Relieved at Pay Settlement

The SSTA today expressed relief at the news that the way is now open for the settlement of this year’s and next year’s salary deal. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, said “This is welcome news that should allow the salary increase that was inevitable ending up in the pay packets of our members. We have always been of the view that the changes to the work practices proposed were minor and that view remains unaltered to this moment. It is…

New General Secretary Appointment Confirmed

The SSTA today announces the confirmation by its Council on Saturday of the appointment of Sheila Mechan as its General Secretary. Acting General Secretary today said “We are thrilled to welcome Sheila Mechan to the SSTA bringing as she does a huge range of skills necessary for the post.  We stand on the edge of hugely important development in Scottish education and our members may be assured that the SSTA is in the hands of a highly skilled General Secretary. …

SQA and Scottish Government Announcement

The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) today welcomed the announcements by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) concerning the N4 and N5 examinations as recognition that there are continuing issues surrounding the implementation of the new examinations. Alan McKenzie SSTA Acting General Secretary said “This is a welcome announcement and although not the complete answer to the problems our members have identified it at least goes some of the way towards meaningful progress.  In particular the review…

Verification Stage 3

The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association today supported the EIS call for an opt in arrangement for Phase 3 Verification. Acting General Secretary Alan McKenzie today said, "This is a sensible proposal allowing a little flexibility for hard-pressed schools to ease the workload burden that is now accepted as a barrier to the successful implementation of the Nationals. The Association Education Panel met on Saturday and considered this proposal and endorsed the concept of changing Verification at Stage 3. We must…

David Eaglesham

The SSTA with great sadness announces the death of their former General Secretary David Eaglesham, 1996 – 2008. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, today said: “David was an outstanding General Secretary of this Association, taking up office following the death of Alan Lamont. David brought to the post a sense of tirelessness and, sometimes in the face of much opposition, a determination to change the SSTA and increase its profile nationally. Those of us who worked with him remember his…

Curriculum for Excellence Crisis in Confidence

The SSTA has today released interim figures following its survey on N4/N5 and the New Higher.  The response to the survey has been overwhelming and it is for this reason that we have decided to issue an interim statement. Acting General Secretary Alan McKenzie said “We continue to be alarmed by the clear lack of confidence being expressed by our members particularly in terms of the assessment materials for N4 and 5.     80% of the respondents indicated that they were…

LGBT Curriculum Awareness

Today the SSTA welcomed Scottish Government’s invitation to it to set in motion a combined Action Plan to raise the awareness of the need to support LGBT young people in Scottish Schools.  In particular, the SSTA would propose a partnership arrangement with groups representing LGBT young people, Education Scotland, GTCS and all teacher unions to ensure that all schools incorporate LGBT matters directly into the Curriculum. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, said “There is an increasing number of young people…