Motions from Congress 2012

Details of the motions passed at Congress, held on 11-12 May 2012 can be found on our website below. Further details of this, and a review of other business, will be sent to all members in the next newsletter. In the meantime this will provide some information about the issues dealt with at Congress.

Presidential Address - 11 May 2012

The recurring theme of my last several District Secretary Reports, and indeed motions to Congress, was that of ‘Groundhog Day,’ ie, that each year we faced again the same issues of indiscipline, large classes and unrealistic expectations of teachers, in addition to ongoing pernicious issues such as workplace bullying and intimidation. There was, several years ago, a brief moment when we thought things might be changing –

Working to Contract – Advice from the SSTA

This advice sets out the context for working for contract and should answer all but the most complicated questions. If you have a query not answered by this information please do not hesitate to contact the Association at 

Ballot on Industrial Action Short of Strike Action

At a meeting held on 3 March Executive and Council decided to ballot members on industrial action short of strike action, including a work to contract, in response to the attack on teachers’ pensions. It was clear from the consultation held during February that the majority of members wished to be balloted on a work to contract.

March 2012 Bulletin

The post-March 2012 Council edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Cabinet Secretary announcement

Some weeks ago the Cabinet Secretary asked us for evidence of problems with the implementation of CfE. We responded by providing a catalogue of problems. It would appear that he has listened and some action has been taken.